Sunday, July 10, 2022

July 17, 2022 Sixteenth Sunday Ordinary Time C

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time   Cycle C

Welcome children to their worship space.


             Explain: Today is the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

             Ask: Does anyone remember the symbol for last week?  <the Commandment tablets> And what have we been talking about this last few weeks?  <about our responsibility to show God’s love to others>  Does anyone remember from last week when we are supposed to do this?  <right away>  (JUST DO IT!)

Introduce symbol
Say:  Today’s symbol is a hand.  One of the things we are asked to do is serve God.

Ask:  There are many stories in the Bible about people helping each other or serving each other.  Jesus asks us to serve.  What do you think that means?  <discuss the idea of SERVICE> This is what our readings are about today.
Say:  Let’s look at the poster.  What does it say? <The just will live in the presence of the Lord>  This is our Responsorial Psalm for today.  The Responsorial Psalms also come from Scripture, from the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament.
Ask:  Can anyone tell me what the word “just” means in this psalm? <those who are fair and good>  Do you think that those who are “just” are close to God?

Introduce readings

Say:  Let’s light the candle to show that we are ready to listen to the Words of God.

Say: Today’s first reading is from the Jewish Scripture, Genesis. (Gen 18:1–10a).  It is a story about Abraham and his wife.  Does anyone remember her name?  <Sarah>  This is a story of service and a promise made to Abraham because he was such a good servant.  Listen and see if you can tell me what the promise was.

Have the reader read the first reading.

Ask: What did God promise to Abraham and his wife?  <that they would have a child even though they were very old>  In this story, what was the service that Abraham performed?  <he was hospitable to guests- he served them food and saw that they were comfortable> 

Say: Now it is time for the Responsorial Psalm.  Your part is to say:
The just will live in the presence of the Lord.

Say:  Today’s Gospel reading comes from the book of Luke.  (Lk 10:38-42)  Today St Luke tells us about two women who were friends of Jesus.  They were sisters and didn’t always agree with each other.  Does anyone here have a sister or brother that they don’t always agree with?  Listen to this story about a time when Jesus visited their house and what happened. 

Say:  Now we will get ready to hear the Gospel.  Please stand up.
Say together: Alleluia, Alleluia.

Have the reader begin: “a reading from the holy gospel.....”

Read:  Read the Gospel

Ask:  What happened? <discuss>  How was Martha serving? <by preparing food and taking care of her guests> How was Mary serving? <by listening to Jesus>  Why do you think that Jesus said that Mary’s service was more important?  <discuss… because she was learning all that she could, because Martha shows us by her actions and words about Mary that she didn’t quite understand Jesus’ message, because Jesus would not be on earth with them much longer >  Do you think that Jesus was criticizing the work that Martha was doing?  <not at  all, there is a time and place for all kinds of service – it was her thoughts and words that were at fault> 

Hand out the poster & Offertory symbols to color and cut out. (The symbol is a hand).  Ask the children to put their names on the small poster symbols.
Explain: Color this symbol of the hand and bring it to the altar (don’t forget to put your name on the back!)  to show that we have learned about serving God and others.                        

If they can, ask the older children to write something on their symbol a way that they can serve others this week.

If there is time, ask questions and go over the lessons one more time to help the children remember.

Give out stickers and hand-outs as they leave.


banner and Offertory symbols

Parent Letter

Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time  C

Dear Parents,

           Today is the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  The children listened to simplified versions of the same readings you heard: Genesis 18:1-10a and Luke 10:38-42.

To reinforce at home:
Today’s message was about service.  We are all called by our baptism to serve others and we all have different talents to share.  One of the greatest ways to serve is to police our attitudes and criticisms of others, to make sure that we are serving others the best we can and allowing other people to decide for themselves how they can serve.
Activities to do at home:
Mary and Martha both served Jesus in their own ways but Martha’s criticism of Mary showed that she didn’t really understand Jesus’ message about service to others.  Discuss with your child about the different talents we each have and how they can be used to serve God. 
Find a way that your child can use his or her special talent to serve others, e.g. a child who likes to draw could draw a picture as a gift, a good listener could visit an elderly relative, a child who likes to sing could share this talent with someone who is lonely, etc.

Thank you for sharing your children!

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