Instructions for the Liturgy Plans

The liturgy plans are written giving specific questions and the desired answer after it <in brackets>.  I use the term “desired” loosely!  Each congregation of children and each church has differing traditions and experiences.  This series offers a guide to reflection on the lectionary readings.  I encourage each facilitator to personalize the plans to their own church and group of children.

Encourage the children to discuss the questions.  Quite often they will have tremendous insight of their own which may differ from what is presented here.   Use the answers provided to lead the conversation.

It needs to be noted that this is not a lesson time—it is a liturgy time. 

***According to the Lectionary for Masses with Children, you only need to do two readings, the first reading and the Gospel***  Adjust the plan to fit the time you have available!

The primary goal is to encourage the children to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word—to listen to the Word, give some thought to what they hear and apply it to their own lives.