As presented here, the children are gathered before the first reading. Before the lector comes forward for the first reading, the children are invited to come forward to the altar:
We’d like to invite all the children from age 4 through grade 5 to come forward with their catechists to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word
After the children come forward, they are invited to extend their right arm over the congregation and offer a blessing:
God be with you as you stay
And the congregation is invited to extend their hand over the children:
God be with you as you go.
At this point the Children’s Lectionary is given to one of the older children and they then lead the others in procession to the gathering space.
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word lasts as long as the adults’ does. The children return as the Offertory song begins, bringing their offering to the altar and returning to their parents.
***Always try to bring the children back to the main church when special events take place between the homily & Offertory***