Sunday, June 26, 2022

14th Sunday Ordinary Time C

14th  Sunday Ordinary Time   Cycle C

Welcome children to their worship space.


             Explain: Today is the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. 
Say: In the last few weeks, we’ve discussed our responsibility to share Jesus’ message of love to others.    We know that some people will be called to actually go to foreign lands to share the Word of God.  We know that there are some who will be called to outside of their homes and teach others or minister in some way.  But it is important to know that we all have the important job of sharing God’s love. 
Introduce symbol
Say:  Today’s symbol <hold up the symbol> is a suitcase with a dove on it.  What do you think that could possibly mean?
Explain:  What do you use a suitcase for?  <travelling…. Or carrying something with you>  And the dove?  <peace>  Now what do you think? <discuss>  Jesus tells us to bring peace to each other.  Today’s lesson is about bringing God’s peace to one another.
Say:  Let’s look at the poster.  What does it say? <Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.> This is our Responsorial Psalm for today.  The Responsorial Psalms also come from Scripture, from the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament.

Introduce readings

Say:  Let’s light the candle to show that we are ready to listen to the Words of God.

Say: Today’s first reading is from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. (Isa 66:10–14c)  Does anyone remember who Isaiah was?  < a prophet>  Old Testament or New?  <Old>  In this reading from the book of Isaiah, he speaks about the city of Jerusalem.  Jerusalem is a city but it represents the Jews, the people of God.  Let’s hear what Isaiah tells us about the people of God.

Have the reader read the first reading.

Ask:  Did you understand anything in particular about this reading?  <discuss>  God promised to send peace to his people.  Last week we learned something about who God’s people are… are they just one type of people like people used to think?  <no… we are all God’s people>

Say: Now it is time for the Responsorial Psalm.  Your part is to say:
Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

Say:  Today’s Gospel reading comes from the book of Luke.  (Lk 10:1-9). Luke tells usabout how Jesus sent his followers out to tell the rest of the world about him.  In this reading, he gives them instructions about what to do.  Since we too are followers of Jesus, he is sending us out to tell people about him, too.  Let’s see if we understand what he is telling his followers- a message that is also for us. 

Say:  Now we will get ready to hear the Gospel.  Please stand up.
Say together: Alleluia, Alleluia.

Have the reader begin: “a reading from the holy gospel.....”

Read:  Read the Gospel

Ask:  So what did you hear Jesus say?  <discuss>  Jesus knew that it was very important for his message to go out to all the world.  Do you think it is still important? <response>  Do you think that he wants all of us to travel from town to town?

Say: We are all called to be part of spreading Jesus’ message about peace and love.  Some of us will be asked to teach others- some of us will be called to travel with his message.  Some of us will be asked to stay at home and keep his peace alive in our own hearts and the hearts around us.  All of us are called to share and spread the peace and love of God in some way.  We need to be ready to follow Jesus and go where he needs us to go.

Hand out the poster & Offertory symbols to color and cut out. (The symbol is a suitcase with a dove).  Ask the children to write their names on the small poster symbols.
Explain: Color this symbol of the suitcase and bring it to the altar (don’t forget to put your name on the back!)  to show that we have learned about our responsibility to share the peace and love of God.

If there is time, ask questions and go over the lessons one more time to help the children remember.

Give out stickers and hand-outs as they leave.

Parent Letter

Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time  C

Dear Parents,

           Today is the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time.  The children listened to the same readings you did:  Isaiah 66:10-14c and Luke 10:1-9.

To reinforce at home:
In today’s readings, we hear Jesus’ instructions to his followers, to go out to all the world and bring peace to each house they visit.  Our presence to others should bring not only the love of God, but also his peace.  Peace can be found in quiet and gentle times.  Today we talked about the importance of slowing down and sharing peacefulness with each other.

Activities to do at home:

Together with your child, choose one activity to skip this week.  Spend that time together reading or playing games or some other activity that you can do together that you never have time for.
Establish a “quiet time” in your home – a time each week (or day if possible) when family members can nap, read or whatever they choose that can be done silently. 

Thank you for sharing your children!

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