Children’s Liturgy Instructions
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B
Welcome children to their worship space.
Ask them to get their carpet squares and sit down in a circle.
Introduce yourself and your helpers.
Explain: Today is the Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Ask: Does anyone remember what our symbol was for last Sunday? ( a hand) And what did it mean? <it represented service - the things we do for one another.>
Explain: Jesus told us that we need to help one another, to serve each other.
Introduce symbol
Say: Can anyone tell me what today’s symbol is? <hold up the banner symbol - a gift>.
Ask: What is a present? <something someone else gives you or does for you - something you can give or do for someone else>
Ask: What kind of gifts does God give us? <the children will probably say things like - parents, toys, homes, church, pets, etc. >
Ask: Today we are going to talk about another kind of gift that God gives us, a kind that we can’t see or touch. Another word for this kind of gift is “talent”. Does anyone know what a talent is? A talent is something that someone can do particularly well - like drawing or singing or being a good friend. God gives us each many talents and He expects us to use them for good.
Say: Now we are going to practice the Responsorial Psalm, that part between the readings where you get to help. The Responsorial Psalm comes from the Bible just like our readings do. Today’s psalm is: Let all the earth cry out to God with joy. Can you say this with me? <Have the children repeat it.>
Introduce readings
Say: Let’s light the candle to show that we are ready to listen to the Words of God.
Say: Today’s first reading is from the Old Testament, the book of Numbers. (Numbers 11:25-29) Do you remember the name of the prophet who received the ten commandments? Right, Moses. Today’s reading is about something that happened to the people Moses was in charge of, the Israelites. Remember in those times, there were many special rules about religion and only certain people could do certain things. In this reading, there were some men talking to others about God who were not supposed to. Some of the leaders came to Moses to complain about it and to ask him to make them stop it. Let’s have the first reading and listen closely to hear what Moses told them.
Have the reader read the first reading.
Ask: What was it? What did Moses say to them? <Moses surprised the leaders by saying that he wished everybody did what the two men were doing. In other words, the twomen were not wrong by doing what they felt was right.>
Say: Now it is time for the Responsorial Psalm. Your part is to say:
Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
Say: Next we’ll have the Gospel reading. The Gospel selection today is from the book of Mark. (Mark 9:38-41). It tells about a conversation Jesus had with one of His friends. Pretend that you are one of Jesus’ disciples. You are all sitting around listening to Him answer questions. Let’s have the Gospel reading and see if you understand what happened.
Say: Now we will get ready to hear the Gospel
(hold up card) Alleluia! Alleluia!
Have the reader begin: “a reading from the holy gospel.....”
All respond: Lord, let your Word be in my mind <make cross on forehead>, on my lips <make cross on lips>, and in my heart <make cross on heart>
Read: Read the Gospel
Ask: What do you think? What was Jesus really saying? <every little good thing we do is important to Him, every thing good that we do is pleasing to Him>. The good things that wedo is a kind of sharing. Jesus wants us to share kindness with each other.
Hand out the symbols to color and cut out. (The symbol is a present)
Explain: Color this symbol of the gift and bring it to the altar (don’t forget to put your name on the back!) to show that we have learned about the individual gifts and talents that God gives each of us and how we need to share them with one another.
Ask: What is a special gift that you have that you can share this week? If you are able, write on the back, one kind thing you can do for someone else this week.
If there is time, ask questions and go over the lessons one more time to help the children remember.
While they are coloring, explain how we will go back into the church, up to the front with our gifts and rejoin our families.
Count out the parent letters and hand-outs to go home.
Give out stickers and hand-outs as they leave.
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Use this graphic to create the mid-sized banner symbol...... add curling ribbon to make it extra special! |
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Use this graphic for the Offertory gift coloring sheet |
Parent Letter
Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today your children heard a simplified version of the same readings that you heard: Numbers 11:25-29 and Mark 9:38-41
To reinforce at home:
Today’s readings reinforce that God notices each special good thing that we do. God gives us each special gifts. Today we talked about the special blessings that God gives each of us and about our responsibility to share those blessings.
Activities to do at home:
*Draw a picture and mail it to a far-away relative.
*Help your child think up and perform a small special act of kindness for a younger child.
Thank you for sharing your children!
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